This Flutter project is a chat application inspired by WhatsApp. The app features a familiar interface with a functional chat page, a Local Auth Screen, and user registration using email/password or Google Account.


  • User Authentication:
    • Email/Password registration with placeholder image.
    • Google Account registration with profile image.
  • Chat Functionality:
    • Display all registered users on the home page.
    • Clicking on a user tile opens the chat page.
    • Chat page displays saved messages from Firebase store.
    • Input text field and send button for sending messages.
    • Real-time updates using Firebase Cloud Firestore.
    • Push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging.
  • Notification Handling:
    • Display notifications when the app is in the foreground using flutter_local_notifications package.
    • Open the chat with the sender when the app is in the background or terminated.
  • Security:
    • App lock feature using fingerprint or face ID with local_auth package.
    • Fingerprint/face ID attempts are limited to prevent unauthorized access.
    • Lock screen request after multiple unsuccessful attempts.
  • Settings:
    • Accessible from the home page’s three dots menu.
    • Option to enable/disable app lock with a Cupertino switch.
    • Option to Change App Language
  • Camera Integration:
    • Capture high-quality photos using the device’s camera.
    • Save pictures on the device.
    • Send photos


  • awesome_dialog: Provides versatile dialogs for various use cases.
  • cached_network_image: Library to load and cache network images.
  • chat_bubbles: Simplifies chat message UI creation.
  • cloud_firestore: Integrates with Firebase Firestore for data storage and retrieval.
  • dio: HTTP client for making API requests.
  • easy_localization: Internationalizing and localization App.
  • firebase_auth: Manages user authentication with Firebase.
  • firebase_core: Initializes the Firebase connection.
  • firebase_messaging: Enables FCM for notifications.
  • firebase_storage: Plugin for Firebase Cloud Storage.
  • flutter_local_notifications: Presents local notifications when the app is in the foreground.
  • flutter_native_splash: Customize the App’s default white native splash screen with background color and splash image.
  • flutter_offline: Handles offline connectivity scenarios.
  • flutter_screenutil: Adapts UI elements to different screen sizes.
  • flutter_speed_dial: Plugin to implement a beautiful and dynamic Material Design Speed Dial with labels.
  • flutter_svg: An SVG rendering and widget library.
  • gap: Simplifies spacing management in layouts.
  • google_sign_in: Facilitates Google Sign-In authentication.
  • googleapis_auth: Obtain Access credentials for Google services using OAuth 2.0.
  • image_picker: Plugin for selecting images from the image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.
  • intl: Internationalization and localization support.
  • local_auth: Enables fingerprint and Face ID authentication.
  • logger: Assists with logging messages for debugging.
  • shared_preferences: Stores simple data locally on the device.
  • pretty_dio_logger: A Dio interceptor that logs network calls in a pretty, easy-to-read format.
  • modal_bottom_sheet: Create awesome and powerful modal bottom sheets.
  • lottie: Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter.
  • package_info_plus: Querying information about the application package.
  • pub_semver: in this App to compare versions.
  • url_launcher: Plugin for launching a URL.


1. Clone the repository:

git clone language: PHP (php)

2. Navigate to the project directory:

cd Flutter-Chat-App-Firebase-Authentication-Messaging-WhatsApp-Like

3. Install dependencies:

flutter pub getCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

4. Configure Firebase:

5. Set up Firebase for your project by following the Using Firebase CLI.

6. Customized chat_bubbles Package

I have made custom modifications to the chat_bubbles package

Implementation Details

I have already uploaded the edited files to my project. You can find it in the following path:


How to Apply Changes

  1. Download the edited files.
  2. Replace the existing files in your Flutter project with the downloaded files.
    • For bubble_special_three.dart and bubble_normal_image.dart, navigate to:%LocalAppData%\Pub\Cache\hosted\\chat_bubbles-1.5.0\lib\bubbles\
    • For date_chip.dart, navigate to:%LocalAppData%\Pub\Cache\hosted\\chat_bubbles-1.5.0\lib\date_chips\
    • For message_bar.dart, navigate to:%LocalAppData%\Pub\Cache\hosted\\chat_bubbles-1.5.0\lib\message_bars\

7. Update the app’s launcher icon:

dart run flutter_launcher_icons

8. Update the app’s splash screen:

dart run flutter_native_splash:create --path=flutter_native_splash.yaml

9. Run the app:

flutter run

Please visit the project for more screenshots.

Checkout the GitHub Project.

By Niraula Naveen

I am professionally a Native Android Developer. But I like to learn new languages and framework. Recently I have been experimenting with Flutter. This website is a curated list of all the opensource applications that I could find online.

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